Harvesting Flax 2024

Hello all!

This is a way late post but late is better than never right?! haha

On August 19th our Flax was harvested!!

I made it out to the field just in time to capture some photos of it! They were just on the last round when I got out there! Phew, that was a close one. I missed the day before altogether.

My husband Darren is the one in the semi and Darres, my brother in law, is the combine driver. Yes, I was hanging onto the side of the truck taking these photos and video. Don’t worry we were only going like 5 miles per hour. I’m not sure what the people were thinking as they drove by on the interstate tho!

We are super excited to get this flax back from the professional cleaners!

Middle photos is of our middle son, Darren sitting on the edge closest to combine and my brother in law, they are checking it out.

I hope you all have a blessed New Year in 2025

Flax is coming along!

Hello All!!

It has been busy around the farm this spring/summer between planting crops, rain, end of school activities and graduation, working cows, getting hay cut and baled, and a family vacation, the days just run into each other. I forgot to post some photos of the flax field when it was in full bloom! The whole field didn’t bloom all at the same time and the flowers were only open from about 9am to 1-2pm. They liked the early morning sun better I guess. It was still very pretty to see. We had friends tell us at church that they loved seeing the flax alongside the interstate on the way to town. Some even said “It is so neat to see it again, it has been a long time.” We got some heavy rains during the blooming week so I was afraid that we wouldn’t get any photos at all but I did get a few! The week it bloomed was June16th. Now the field is turning a yellow color so in a month or so maybe it will be ready to harvest?! I hope you are all doing well and if you ever have any questions please let me know!

Flax is growing!

Hello everyone!! We are so excited here on the farm that the flax is growing! These photos were taken a few weeks ago already, now you can barely see the rows and they are just a nice cantipe. We walked the field to pull out the weeds. Our kids got to learn what it was like, I don’t think they cared for it too much haha. Both Darren and I had the privilege (haha) to walk beans back in our day so we thought the kids should have the same type of experience! 🙂 In a few of the photos there are little blue buds! This is the flower. I’m so excited to get to see the whole field bloom. I’m praying the weather will be good and not knock off the buds too early. I hear they are delicate. If we get a strong wind they can be blown off easily. I can’t wait to see what the next couple of weeks will bring! We have gotten some really nice rain the last couple of weeks so the Flax has really taken off. The first two photos are from a few weeks ago. The last two photos were from Sunday June 9th.